Water Department

The Water Department consists of 10 full time employees and is responsible for the treatment and distribution of safe drinking water to 5,836 users. 

Water Department Responsibilities

  • Treatment and distribution of safe drinking water to residents
  • Regular testing of water to ensure the water is kept to the standards of the Department of Environmental Protection.
  • Production and distribution of the annual Consumer Confidence Report as required by the Department of Environmental Protection
  • Keeping the records required by the D.E.P. and E.P.A.
  • Construction, maintenance and repair of water pump stations, wells, tanks and two treatment facilities
  • Installation and repair of 5,836 water meters.
  • The reading of all meters three times yearly for water & sewer bills
  • Installation and inspection of backflow preventers in all commercial buildings and for irrigation systems
  • The testing and inspection of cross connection backflow preventers
  • Mandatory use of installers licensed by the Department of Public Works.
  • Yearly flushing of all hydrants 

The Town is responsible for maintenance and repair of all public water mains within town. Homeowners with public water are responsible for their service - the pipe that connects the main to their household (from the street to the house). Any work done to a homeowner's water service must be done by a contractor on the Town's approved Water & Sewer Contractor list. 

Water Treatment & Distribution Process

Our water comes from a "blended water" supply. In 2019, Hudson's water was sourced from the following sources: surface water drawn from Gates Pond Reservoir and groundwater that is pumped from four different wells, then treated to remove iron and manganese. This water then enters our distribution system. Two of our wells are located off Chestnut Street, the Kane Well is located on Main Street, and the Cranberry Well is off of Parmenter Road.

The untreated water travels through water mains to various pump stations. The pump stations then distribute the raw water to the Gates Pond Treatment Facility on Gates Pond Road in Berlin. Once the water has been treated (see the Consumer Confidence Report for a full treatment overview), the water then travels through mains to pump stations, which then distribute the safe, treated water to residents.  


Water Use Regulations - updated 06.06.2022

310 CMR 22.22

Staff Contacts

Staff Contacts






