Department of Public Works News & Announcements

Evening Hydrant Flushing (10pm-2am) 5/12/21

Evening hydrant flushing will take place Wednesday, May 12th from 10pm-2:30am at the following locations:Colburn Cir.Patriot Ln.Avon Dr.... more ››

Evening Hydrant Flushing (10pm-2am) 5/11/21

Evening flushing will take place at the following locations:Central St. – Rotary to Coolidge St.Irving St.Arlington St.Coolidge St.

Hydrant Flushing (Evening) Friday, May 7th

The DPW will be flushing hydrants in the following areas from 10pm until 2am beginning on Friday, May 7th:Water St.Summer St.Winter St.... more ››

Water Main Break Repair - Main at Broad 5/7/21

WATER MAIN REPAIR EXPECT DELAYSEffective Friday, May 7th starting at 7amAt the intersection of Main Street and Broad Street.

Evening Hydrant Flushing (10pm-2am) 5/6/21

The DPW will begin flushing of hydrants in the evening between the hours of 10pm and 2am on Thursday, May 6th.Stowe Ct.425 Main St. –... more ››

Hydrant Flushing (Daytime) 5/6/21

The DPW will be flushing hydrants during the day on Thursday, May 6th at the following locations:Munson St.Day CircleSilver Oak Rd.Manning... more ››

Hydrant Flushing (Daytime

The DPW will be flushing hydrants during the day on Thursday, May 6th at the following locations:Munson St.Day CircleSilver Oak Rd.Manning... more ››

Evening Hydrant Flushing (10pm-2am) 5/5/21

The DPW will begin flushing of hydrants in the evening between the hours of 10pm and 2am on Wednesday, May 5th.Flushing will take place at... more ››

Hydrant Flushing Tuesday, May 4th

The DPW will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on Tuesday, May 4th:Manning StreetStratton Drive 

Hydrant Flushing Thursday, April 29th

The DPW will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on Thursday, April 29th:Appleton Dr.Richardson Rd.Old North Rd.Blueberry Ln.... more ››

Hydrant Flushing Wednesday, April 28th

The DPW will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on Wednesday, April 28th:Causeway St. – John Robinson Dr. to Town LineLower Rd.... more ››

Hydrant Flushing Tuesday, April 27th

The DPW will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on Tuesday, April 27th:Forest Ave. – Main St. to Marlboro St.Glendale Rd.... more ››

Hydrant Flushing Monday, April 26th

The DPW will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on Monday, April 26th:Forest Ave. – Main St. to Marlboro St.Glendale Rd.Causeway... more ››

Hydrant Flushing Thursday, April 15th

The DPW will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on Thursday, April 15th:The Villages at Quail RunWestRidge TownhousesReardon Rd.... more ››

Hydrant Flushing Wednesday, April 14th

The DPW will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on Wednesday, April 14th, 2021:Cabot Rd.Matrix WayWashington St – Forestvale Rd... more ››

Hydrant Flushing Tuesday, April 13th

The DPW will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on Tuesday, April 13th, 2021:Main St. – Rock Ave. to town lineWhite Pond Rd.... more ››

Hydrant Flushing Monday, April 12th

The DPW will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on Monday, April 12th, 2021:Main St. – Chestnut to town lineWhite Pond Rd.... more ››

Downtown Hudson Spring Cleanup

From the evening of Tuesday, April 6th until the morning of Wednesday, April 7th, the DPW will be conducting spring clean up activities in... more ››

Fall Clean Up Reminder!
