Stormwater Utility

Stormwater Runoff

On May 1, 2023, the Town of Hudson passed a Stormwater Utility. This creates a dedicated account and will allow the Stormwater Division of DPW to comply with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit.

What is the MS4 Permit?

The MS4 Permit is issued by the Environmental Protection Agency for stormwater discharges to wetlands and water bodies. 

What Does the MS4 Permit Require?

The permit is divided into two sections, the "Minimum Control Measures" (MCMs) and Water Quality Standards.

Minimum Control Measures

There are six minimum control measures consisting of the following: 

  1. Public Education and Outreach
  2. Public Participation
  3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  4. Construction Site Runoff Control
  5. Post Construction in New and Redevelopment
  6. Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention

In general, these MCMs require municipalities to:

  • Create and implement various plans and maps
  • Conduct inspections of infrastructure and construction sites
  • Perform lab analysis of non-stormwater discharges (illicit discharges)
  • Develop, review, and implement reports, programs, bylaws, rules and regulations
  • Enforce pollution prevention at construction sites
  • Maintain stormwater infrastructure
  • Perform retrofit analysis and implement retrofits for stormwater infrastructure

Water Quality Standards

According to the latest Integrated List of Waters 303(d) list as developed by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), some waterways within the Town of Hudson are impaired (polluted). Discharges to impaired water bodies amplifies the MCMs, by requiring additional documents, reports and educational requirements. Impaired water bodies in Hudson are Lake Boon, Fort Meadow Reservoir, and the Assabet River. 

Click here to see the latest impairment map, or by viewing it in the attachments section. 

How is Hudson Complying with the MS4 Permit?

In the last permit year, (Permit Year 5), the Town of Hudson:

  • Removed about 200 yards from catch basin cleaning;
  • 764 Tons of debris from street sweeping was removed;
  • Reduced impervious surfaces at Cox and Old Bolton Road intersection
  • Distributed educational materials at outreach meetings and on the website. 

In Permit Year 6, the Town of Hudson created a new position, and hired a Stormwater Manager. The Stormwater Manager will implement MS4 permit compliance requirements and address stormwater or flooding concerns.