Stormwater Rules and Regulations

Sewer versus Drain

The Stormwater Division's Rules and Regulations set standards for the Stormwater Utility Bylaw that was passed at Town Meeting in May 2023. In addition, the rules and regulations cover Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE), and Construction and Post Construction requirements associated with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit.


IDDE sets standards for discharges to the Town's separate storm sewer system. Certain discharges are allowed under Section 3.5. Note that any other discharges are prohibited. If any property owners want to connect to the Town's separate storm sewer system, they must comply with these Rules and Regulations and shall submit a Drainage Release Form via the Department of Public Works (DPW). The application is available at DPW. 

Construction Requirements

Projects that result in any of the following numbered items below are required to submit plans and documents as part of the "Stormwater Management Review." Projects checking yes to numbers 1-4 below fall under a Major Review. Numbers 5 and 6 below are subject to a Minor Review. Finally, projects subject to number 7 is reviewed on a case by case basis. 

  1. A total cumulative disturbance of one acre or more.
  2. A larger common plan of development or sale that results in a part of a total cumulative disturbance of land that meets or exceeds on acre of area.
  3. A discharge to the separate storm and sewer system.
  4. Land disturbances applicable to the Massachusetts Stormwater Management Handbook:
    1. An industrial, commercial, institutional, office, or transportation project that is part of a phased project, or a whole project.
    2. Subject to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and its regulations.
    3. Housing development and redevelopment project comprised of detached single-family dwellings on four or fewer lots that have a stormwater discharge that may potentially affect a critical area
    4. Multi-family housing development and redevelopment projects, with four or fewer units, including condominiums, cooperatives, apartment buildings, and townhouses, that have a stormwater discharge that may potentially affect a critical area.
    5. Housing development and redevelopment projects comprised of detached single-family dwellings on five to nine lots, provided there is no stormwater discharge that may potentially affect a critical area.
    6. Multi-family housing development and redevelopment projects with five to nine units, including condominiums, cooperatives, apartment buildings, and townhouses, provided there is no stormwater discharge that may potentially affect a critical area.
    7. Marinas and boat yards, provided that the hull maintenance, painting and service areas are protected from exposure to rain, snow, snow melt, and stormwater runoff; and
    8. Footpaths, bike paths and other paths for pedestrian and/or nonmotorized vehicle access.
  5. A total cumulative disturbance of 10,000 square feet or greater than 50% of the parcel or lot, whichever is less.
  6. A total cumulative impervious surface that meets or exceeds 50% of the lot.
  7. A disturbance on a 10% slope or greater. 

    Stormwater Management Review

    The Stormwater Management Review is free of charge and is generally kicked off through the Planning Board process when a Site Plan Review, Definitive Subdivision Plan, or Preliminary Subdivision Plan is filed via Open Gov. A form entitled, "Verification of Land Disturbance" will be attached to the application. The form includes the project criteria above. Once the Stormwater Division performs an initial review of your application, and deems further documentation is required to meet the Rules and Regulations, the Stormwater Division will issue a Request for Information for necessary documents and plans. The Request for Information will be attached to the online application via Open Gov.  

    If your project is subject to the criteria above, but is not part of a Planning Board process, you are still subject to the Stormwater Management Review. To determine if your project is subject to the Stormwater Division's Rules and Regulations, fill out the Land Disturbance Verification Form. Once complete, submit the form to

    Note that all projects need an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (See Section 4.7 for plan requirements). Projects may require a Stormwater Management Plan (See Section 4.6 for plan requirements) in addition to the Erosion Control Plan.  Please see the attached Rules and Regulations for further information.